Focus Merit

Category: Miscellaneous Current Affairs

‘Karkhanisanchi Waari’ only Indian entry in Tokyo Film Festival

Karkhanisanchi Waari
  • Marathi movie, Karkhanisanchi Waari (Ashes on a Road Trip), the 149-minute film tells the story of the Karkhanis, the last joint family of Pune.
  • The film was directed by Mangesh Joshi.

NGT bans sale and use of firecrackers in Delhi-NCR

National Green Tribunal
  • The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has enforced a total ban on the sale and use of firecrackers in the Delhi-NCR region from 9 November to 30 November.
  • The ban will be applicable in cities and towns where the air condition is in the “poor” category.

Shipping ministry launches dispute redressal portal SAROD-Ports

Shipping ministry
  • With an aim to bring private players to operate major ports in India, the shipping ministry has unveiled SAROD-Ports (Society for Affordable Redressal of Disputes – Ports). The portal is to resolve the disputes while also saving time consumption and legal expenditure.

CISF develop a mobile app “Pensioners Corner”

  • The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has developed a mobile app named “Pensioners Corner” to reach to the pensioners and to bring them on to the digital platform as a one stop solution.