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June Current Affairs 2020

June Current Affairs 2020

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8th June is observed as World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day
  • June 8th is observed as World Oceans Day to aware everyone about the significance of oceans’ role in our everyday life.
  • Theme 2020: ‘Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean’.

“Bande Utkala Janani” receives state anthem status in Odisha

Govt. of Odisha
  • The Odisha Cabinet on 7th June recommended a proposal to give state anthem status of Odisha to ”Bande Utkala Janani”.
  • Parliamentary Affairs Minister Bikram Keshari Arukh said that the Cabinet led by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik agreed with state anthem status to ”Bande Utkala Janani”.

India stands 168th on Environmental Performance Index 2020, Denmark top

  • India has stood on 168th out of 180 countries in the 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), according to researchers at Yale and Columbia universities, who state that India’s decarbonization agenda requires to expedite, and the country suffers a number of serious environmental health risks, including poor air quality.

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