All India Tiger Census 2018 sets new Guinness World Record for largest camera-trap wildlife survey


  • The 4th edition of the All India Tiger Estimation 2018 has created the Guinness World Record for being the world’s largest camera trap wildlife survey.
  • The All India Tiger Estimation is conducted every four year since 2006, by the National Tiger Conservation Authority with technical support from the Wildlife Institute of India.
  • In the fourth cycle of the survey, conducted in 2018-19, Camera traps (outdoor photographic devices fitted with motion sensors that start recording when an animal passes by) were placed in 26,838 locations across 141 different sites.
  • A total of 34,858,623 photographs of wildlife were captured by the 26,838 camera traps installed.
  • Of the total photographs, 76,651 were tigers and 51,777 were leopards while the remaining were other native fauna.