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Tag: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

India placed 6th as nuclear weapons increased since 2019; US tops: SIPRI’s Yearbook 2020

SIPRI’s Yearbook 2020
  • India and China have raised their nuclear arsenal over the last year, as per to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The Swedish think-tank that researches on conflict, armaments and arms charge also aimed out on Monday that China is significantly modernizing its nuclear arsenal.

SIPRI releases “Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019” report.

  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has released a report ” Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019” which states that in 2019 the total military expenditure all over the world was 2% of the Global Gross Domestic Product(GDP).
  • Top 5 spenders in 2019: United States ($732 billion), China ($261 Billion), India ($71.1 Billion), Russia ($65.1 Billion) and Saudi Arabia ( $61.9 Billion).