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Tag: Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

ICMR approves “COVIRAP” test developed by IIT Kharagpur

  • The Indian Council of Medical Research recently approved the covid-19 test called COVIRAP.It is a Diagnostic machine that was developed by the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. This kit gives close test results as produced by RT-PCR.

First-of-its-kind mobile RT-PCR lab developed by IISc

mobile RT-PCR lab
  • The latest mobile RT-PCR lab developed by IISc Bengaluru is the country’s only ICMR approved lab which is capable of conducting 9000 RT-PCR tests per month. The first-of-its-kind mobile COVID-19 lab was launched by the Karnataka Education Minister Dr. K Sudhakar.

COVID-19 Testing facility launched by DRDO in Leh

COVID-19 Testing facility launched by DRDO in Leh
  • A COVID-19 testing facility is established by DRDO in Leh with an aim to enhance the rate of testing of Coronavirus cases in UT of Ladakh.
  • The centre is inaugurated by the UT’s Lt Governor Shri RK Mathur and it is capable of screening 50 samples per day.
  • The facility follows the safety standards and guidelines given by ICMR.

ICMR to use Kangra tea to boost the immunity of people

Kangra Tea

Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) has decided to use Kangra Tea for boosting the immunity of the people that is the only way at present to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.

ICMR found Kangra Tea a better alternative to HydroxyChloroquine (HCQ) and HIV drugs that are being used at present for the treatment of the COVID-19 pateints.

ICMR pairs India Post for delivery of COVID-19 testing kits


  • Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has enrolled in a pair-up with the India Post for delivery of its coronavirus COVID-19 testing kits.
  • These kits are taken from ICMR 16 regional depots to 200 additional labs designated for coronavirus testing all over the country.

ICMR suggests hydroxychloroquine for caregivers of COVID-19 patients

ICMR suggests hydroxychloroquine for caregivers of COVID-19 patients
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has prescribed the hydroxychloroquine for healthcare workers or persons staying with and caring for positive COVID-19 patients.
  • This protocol has been recommended by the Drug Controller General of India (DGCI), Dr. V. G. Somani.