India listed as 5th biggest Geo-political Risk of 2020

India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been listed as the 5th biggest Geo-political Risk of 2020. The listing was done by Eurasia Group in its report. The report states. The Top 10 Risks of 2020 are as followed:

1. Rigged!: Who Governs The US?
2. The Great Decoupling
3. US – China
4. MNCs Not to the rescue
5. India Gets Modi-Fied
6. Geopolitical Europe
7. Politics Vs. Economics of Climate Change
8. Shia Crescendo
9. Discontent in Latin America
10. Turkey

The Eurasia Group releases its ‘Top 10 Risks’ of the Year report annually considering one of the principal geopolitical indicators among global investors, multinational firms and various financial and business consultancies.