April Current Affairs 2020

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Date DayTheme
01 AprilUtkal Diwas / Odisha FOundation Day
01 AprilNational Walking Day
01 AprilFossil Fools Day
01 AprilEedible Book Day
02 AprilWorld Autism Awareness DayThe transition of Adulthood
04 AprilInternational day for Mine AwarenessTogether for mine action
05 AprilNational Maritime Day
05 AprilInternational day of ConscienceSupport nurses and Midwives
07 AprilWorld Health Day
08 AprilInternational Romani day
10 AprilWorld Homeopathy DayEnhancing the scope of Homeopathy in Public health
10 AprilSiblings Day
11 AprilNational Safe Motherhood DaySafe Motherhood in times of COVID-19
11 AprilNational Pet Day
12 AprilInternational day of Human Space Flight
13 AprilJallianwala Bagh Massacre
14 AprilB. R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day / Ambedkar Jayanti
14 AprilWorld First Chagas disease day
15 AprilWorld Art DaySee Art, Do Art, Be Art, Stay Home,
16 AprilWorld Voice DayFocus on your voice
17 AprilWorld Haemophilia Day
18 AprilWorld Heritage Day / International day of monuments and sitesShared Cultures, Shared heritage, Shared responsibility
19 AprilWorld Liver Day
21 AprilSecretaries' day
21 AprilNational Civil Services Day
21 AprilWorld Creativity and Innovation Day
22 AprilWorld Earth DayClimate Action
23 AprilWorld Book and Copyright DaySlogan: "KL Baca – caring through reading"
24 AprilNational Panchayati Raj Day
25 AprilWorld Malaria DayZero Malaria starts with Me
25 AprilInternational Delegate's day
26 AprilWorld Intellectual Property DayInnovate for a Green future
27 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
28 AprilWorld day for Safety and Health at Work
28 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
29 AprilInternational Dance Day
30 AprilAyushman Bharat Diwas
30 AprilInternational Jass Day
Click on the Underlined Text for additional Static information.

Dilip Kumar Patel appointed as new Director HR of NTPC

dilip kumar patel
  • Dilip Kumar Patel has been appointed as Director Human Resource of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Limited.

‘Ex NCC Yogdan’ launched by NCC to fight COVID-19

  • National Cadet Corps(NCC) has launched ‘Ex NCC Yogdan’ for its volunteer cadets to fight COVID-19.
  • Under this, NCC has issued guidelines to temporarily employ its cadets in relief works or in case of any emergency that may arise due to COVID-19 in the near future.

ADB downgrades India’s GDP to 4% for FY2021


Asian Development Bank expects India’s economy to grow at 4% for the financial year 2020-21. 

Click Here for the Updated list of GDP Predictions

Google to donate USD 6.5 million to tackle fake news related to coronavirus

  • With the whole world struggling to tackle COVID-19 , Google is going to donate USD 6.5 million to no-profit organizations and fact checkers to stop spread of fake news.
  • It will help people get access to genuine information when there is lot of fake information circulating all over social media platforms.

Govt launches corona tracker app: Aarogya Setu

aarogya setu
  • As number of cases of COVID-19 are increasing at a rapid pace, government of India has launched an app to guide people about the Corona Virus.
  • “Aarogya Setu” is launched by the National Informatics Center that comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
  • This app uses location based tracking and bluetooth technology and alerts users if they come in contact with any corona positive patient.

Telecom service providers and C-DOT develop COVID Quarantine alert system

    • In order to keep corona virus positive quarantined  patients within the quarantines area, telecom service providers and The Centre for Development of Telematics(C-DOT) has developed an application that can alert through SMS or e-mail  in case if quarantined patient leaves the quarantine zone.

All health insurance policies to cover COVID hospitalization expenses: IRDAI


Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India(IRDAI) has made it mandatory to cover hospitalization charges of COVID-19 to protect patients from the financial burden due to this pandemic under the standard insurance Product “Aarogya Sanjeevani”

Global Economy can suffer a loss of USD 4 Trillion due to COVID-19: ADB

  • Due to Global Coronavirus Pandemic, Asian Development Bank(ADB) has projected that the global economy can suffer a whooping loos of USD 4 trillion as most of the countries are under partial/complete lockdown and the substantial decrease in import/export of countries. 

World-famous Virologist “Gita Ramjee” passed away.

gita ramjee
  • “Gita Ramjee” a well-known virologist from South Africa passed away due to the Novel coronavirus.
  •  She was conferred with the Outstanding female scientist award in Lisbon, in 2018 for her research and commitment to finding new HIV prevention methods.

Hackathon ” Hack the Crisis-India ” launched

hack the crisis in india
  • Hackathon “Hack the crisis-India” has been organized by “Hack a cause-India” and ” Ficci Ladies Organization Pune” along with the support of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.