April Current Affairs 2020

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Date DayTheme
01 AprilUtkal Diwas / Odisha FOundation Day
01 AprilNational Walking Day
01 AprilFossil Fools Day
01 AprilEedible Book Day
02 AprilWorld Autism Awareness DayThe transition of Adulthood
04 AprilInternational day for Mine AwarenessTogether for mine action
05 AprilNational Maritime Day
05 AprilInternational day of ConscienceSupport nurses and Midwives
07 AprilWorld Health Day
08 AprilInternational Romani day
10 AprilWorld Homeopathy DayEnhancing the scope of Homeopathy in Public health
10 AprilSiblings Day
11 AprilNational Safe Motherhood DaySafe Motherhood in times of COVID-19
11 AprilNational Pet Day
12 AprilInternational day of Human Space Flight
13 AprilJallianwala Bagh Massacre
14 AprilB. R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day / Ambedkar Jayanti
14 AprilWorld First Chagas disease day
15 AprilWorld Art DaySee Art, Do Art, Be Art, Stay Home,
16 AprilWorld Voice DayFocus on your voice
17 AprilWorld Haemophilia Day
18 AprilWorld Heritage Day / International day of monuments and sitesShared Cultures, Shared heritage, Shared responsibility
19 AprilWorld Liver Day
21 AprilSecretaries' day
21 AprilNational Civil Services Day
21 AprilWorld Creativity and Innovation Day
22 AprilWorld Earth DayClimate Action
23 AprilWorld Book and Copyright DaySlogan: "KL Baca – caring through reading"
24 AprilNational Panchayati Raj Day
25 AprilWorld Malaria DayZero Malaria starts with Me
25 AprilInternational Delegate's day
26 AprilWorld Intellectual Property DayInnovate for a Green future
27 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
28 AprilWorld day for Safety and Health at Work
28 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
29 AprilInternational Dance Day
30 AprilAyushman Bharat Diwas
30 AprilInternational Jass Day
Click on the Underlined Text for additional Static information.

Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 increases up to 31st March 2021

Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 increases up to 31st March 2021
  • The Government of India has extended the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) by another one year i.e. up to 31st March 2021 due to COVID-19.
  • Along with the extension, the Union Commerce and Industry Ministry has also declared some changes in the FTP.

L. Duraiswamy designated as new MD of Sundaram Home Finance

  • Lakshminarayanan Duraiswamy has designated as the new Managing Director of the Sundaram Home Finance.
  • He has taken place of Srinivas Acharya who was serving as the Managing Director of Sundaram Home Finance since 2010.
Lakshminarayanan Duraiswamy

World Bank contributes $1 billion to India for its project against COVID-19

World Bank
  • The World Bank has contributed $1 billion to the Indian government for India’s COVID-19 emergency response and health systems preparedness project.
  • The project will respond and lessen the COVID-19 threat and strengthen national systems for public health preparation in India, as per the project document.

Indian Bank launches 3 new products for farmers and poultry workers.

Indian Bank
  • To support farmers and poultry workers during the COVID-19 outbreak, Indian Bank has launched the following 3 new products.
  •  IND COVID emergency Agro-processing Loan: Agro-processing units can avail 10% of the working capital
  • IND Covid Emergency poultry loan scheme: Poultry sector can avail 20% of the working capital.
  • IND KCC Covid Sahaya Loan: Farmers having Kisan Credit card facility can avail 10% of the limit as soft loan.
  • SHG Covid Sahaya Loan:   Women members of Self Help Groups can avail loan of Rs. 5000 each repayable in easy instalments.

Multi-feed oxygen Manifold designed by Visakhapatnam Naval dockyard

Multi-feed oxygen Manifold
  • Portable multi-feed oxygen manifold has been designed by the Visakhapatnam based Naval Dockyard.
  • This portable system ca deliver oxygen to multiple patients at a time. 

MOU signed between Wipro3D and SCTIMST for manufacturing ventilators


MOU has been signed between Wipro3D and Sree Chitra Trinual Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology for the manufacturing of ventilators to tackle any sudden rise in demand due to COVID-19.

USD 100 million green bonds listed in India INX by SBI

  • Green Bonds worth 100 million has been listed by State Bank of India on Bombay Stock Exchange’s India International Exchange(India INX).
  •  Green bonds are debt securities issued by financial, non-financial or public entities where the proceeds are used to finance 100 per cent green projects and assets. 
  • India now has the second-largest emerging green bond market after China.

Bio suit” Personal Protective Equipment” launched by DRDO

  • A bio Suit named ” Personal Protective Equipment” has been launched by Defence Research and Development Organisation(DRDO)
  • DRDO has made this suit by keeping special focus on doctors that are treating crona positive patients to save them from infection. 

“Watson Assistant for citizens” AI bot by IBM launched

  • IBM has launched an Artificial intelligence based platform named ” Watson Assistant for Citizens” to address queries related to COVID-19.
  • It uses Natural Language Processing and Artifical intelligence to learn and create a suitable response to the queries of the users.

Bob Weighton is the world’s oldest man alive

Bob Weighton
  • Bob Weighton from United Kingdom is designated as world’s oldest man alive by the Guinness world Records.
  • He received this title after Mr. Chitesu Watanabe of Japan passed away.