April Current Affairs 2020

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Date DayTheme
01 AprilUtkal Diwas / Odisha FOundation Day
01 AprilNational Walking Day
01 AprilFossil Fools Day
01 AprilEedible Book Day
02 AprilWorld Autism Awareness DayThe transition of Adulthood
04 AprilInternational day for Mine AwarenessTogether for mine action
05 AprilNational Maritime Day
05 AprilInternational day of ConscienceSupport nurses and Midwives
07 AprilWorld Health Day
08 AprilInternational Romani day
10 AprilWorld Homeopathy DayEnhancing the scope of Homeopathy in Public health
10 AprilSiblings Day
11 AprilNational Safe Motherhood DaySafe Motherhood in times of COVID-19
11 AprilNational Pet Day
12 AprilInternational day of Human Space Flight
13 AprilJallianwala Bagh Massacre
14 AprilB. R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day / Ambedkar Jayanti
14 AprilWorld First Chagas disease day
15 AprilWorld Art DaySee Art, Do Art, Be Art, Stay Home,
16 AprilWorld Voice DayFocus on your voice
17 AprilWorld Haemophilia Day
18 AprilWorld Heritage Day / International day of monuments and sitesShared Cultures, Shared heritage, Shared responsibility
19 AprilWorld Liver Day
21 AprilSecretaries' day
21 AprilNational Civil Services Day
21 AprilWorld Creativity and Innovation Day
22 AprilWorld Earth DayClimate Action
23 AprilWorld Book and Copyright DaySlogan: "KL Baca – caring through reading"
24 AprilNational Panchayati Raj Day
25 AprilWorld Malaria DayZero Malaria starts with Me
25 AprilInternational Delegate's day
26 AprilWorld Intellectual Property DayInnovate for a Green future
27 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
28 AprilWorld day for Safety and Health at Work
28 AprilWorld Veterinary Day
29 AprilInternational Dance Day
30 AprilAyushman Bharat Diwas
30 AprilInternational Jass Day
Click on the Underlined Text for additional Static information.

WHO observes World Immunization week 2020

World Immunization Week
  • World Immunization week 2020 has been observed globally by World Health Organization (WHO) from 24-30 April 2020. The theme for this year is: “ #Vaccines Work for all”

Kerala starts using robots to serve COVID-19 patients.

  • Kerala’s medical college has started using Robot named “KARMI-bot” to help patients that are affected or are in isolation due to COVID-19

Dedicated search engine for COVID-19 Vilokana launched.

  • A specially dedicated search engine for COVID-19 has been developed by The Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management – Kerala (IIITM-K).

Well known Pakistani skipper Sana Mir retires

Sana Mir
  • Well known former skipper of Pakistan, Sana Mir has announced her retirement from International cricket.

Sports photojournalist ronny roy passes away

ronny roy
  • One of the topmost  veteran sports journalist of India, Ronny Roy has passed away at the age of 57 due to a cardiac arrest in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Veteran politician Devanand Konwar passed away.

devanand konwar
  • A well known politician Devanand Konwar passed away. He has also served as the governor of Bihar, Tripura and West Bengal during his career in Indian politics.

No death penalty for minors in Saudi Arabia

  • Saudi Arabia has passed a new order that abolishes death penalty for the minors committing serious crimes. Instead of being executed, they will be getting prisonment for a maximum period of 10 years as announced by president of Saudi government’s Human Rights Commission, Awwad Alawwad.

Dhanwantri scheme launched by the Assam government for the delivery of medicines

Dhanwantri scheme
  • Assam government has launched Dhanwantri scheme for delivery of medicines amid lockdown all over the country due to COVID-19.

SIPRI releases “Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019” report.

  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has released a report ” Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019” which states that in 2019 the total military expenditure all over the world was 2% of the Global Gross Domestic Product(GDP).
  • Top 5 spenders in 2019: United States ($732 billion), China ($261 Billion), India ($71.1 Billion), Russia ($65.1 Billion) and Saudi Arabia ( $61.9 Billion).

India’s first plasma therapy starts in KGMU, Lucknow

Coronavirus COVID-19
  • King George’s medical University (KGMU) of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh has become the first institute in the country to start  using plasma therapy for the possible treatment of COVID-19.
  • Plasma therapy uses antibodies from the patients’ that have successfully recovered from the COVID-19 and transplanting them in the patient that is not abe to generate anti bodies to recover from this deadly virus.