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RBI buys Rs 10,000 cr long-term and sells Rs 2,950 cr short-term securities

The Reserve Bank of India bought Rs 10,000 crore worth of long-term securities and sold Rs 2,950 crore worth of short-term government bonds in the fourth special open market operation (OMO) auctions.

In the OMO purchase auction, the RBI received bids worth Rs 26,887 crore for two types of securities, 7.32 per cent 2024 and 6.45 percent 2029, but accepted only Rs 10,000 crore of bids. For 7.32 per cent-2024, it got 157 bids and accepted 40 bids.

The RBI offered to sell two government securities, 7.80 per cent 2021 and 7.94 per cent 2021, through the OMO. It received Rs 35,375 crore of bids but accepted Rs 2,950 crore of bids.

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