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NADA bans Women weightlifter Sarbjeet Kaur for 4 years

Indian women weightlifter Sarbjeet Kaur has been banned for 4 years from the sport by the National Anti Doping Agency (NADA). This ban was imposed on her for involving in doping violation. The sample of Sarbjeet was collected during 34th Women Senior National Weightlifting Championship held at Vishakhapatnam. The Agency found her guilty of anti-doping rule violation.

According to NADA, her sample had presence of prohibited substance namely — Di-hydroxy-LGD-4033 (LGD 4033 METABOLITE), Selective Androgen Receptor Modulations (SARM), and Ostarine (Enobosarm). Sarbjeet had previously won the 71kg event at the women’s national weightlifting championships in February last year.

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