Focus Merit

Google Plans to Invest Rs. 75,000 crore in India in the next 5-7 years to boost Digital India


  • Technology giant Google will invest Rs. 75,000 crore (around $10 billion), in India over the next 5-7 years to boost India’s digital economy
  • This announcement was made by Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai at the sixth edition of ‘Google for India’ virtual event on 13 July 2020.
  • The dedicated ‘Google for India Digitisation Fund’, will be deployed for this purpose.
  • The investments will be made through a mix of equity investments, partnerships, and operational, infrastructure and ecosystem investments.

The main focus of the Investments will be on four key areas:

  • Enabling affordable access and information to every Indian in their own language,
  • Building new products and services relevant to India’s unique needs
  • Empowering businesses as they continue to embark in digital transformation
  • Leveraging technology and Artificial Intelligence for social good in areas like healthcare, education and agriculture.

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